Registration for the departure in 2009 will be opened on 16 November and closed on January 29, 2010 

Teacher Upgrading Program (Teacher Training Program) is one of the Japanese Government scholarship programs (Monbukagakusho) specifically designed for teachers for teaching in accordance with improve quality field. They will be given training in how to teach, making the teaching-learning plan more effectively and attract students and other things that can improving teacher quality and the ability . This program is a non-degree programs and the length is 1 year 6 months (including 6-month Japanese language learning) from October 2010.

  1. Graduates S-1 or D-4, and teachers are actively teaching in elementary, junior, senior high school (including private schools and vocational).
  2. The applicant has taught more than 5 years of formal education institutions on April 1, 2010. All fields are offered except, the Indonesian language, local language, Arabic language, religious education and hospitality.
  3. Age under 35 years old on April 1, 2010.
  4. Physical and spiritual health. (for female applicants are not allowed in the pregnant condition)
  5. Willing to learn Japanese because the language of instruction at the university is in Japanese.
  1.  Without the bond department.
  2. P.p. economy class ticket Indonesia (Jakarta) - Japan.
  3. Free entrance exam fees, tuition and registration fee.
  4. Monthly allowance of ¥ 170,000 per month (there is a possibility to change).
  5. Participants provided dormitory regulated solely by payment recipients.
 HOW Applying
  1.  Registration opened on 16 November 2009 and closed on January 29, 2010.
  2. For applicants, both public and private employees can directly submit / send the completed form to the Education Section Embassy of Japan with the necessary documents attached.
  3. For applicants with the status of permanent civil servants to report and submit a photocopy of the form to the Bureau of International Cooperation (BKLN) Ministry of National Education.
  1. Form.
  2. Passport photo (must be affixed on the form).
  3. Diploma and transcripts.
  4. Letter from the teaching that explains that the applicant is a faculty member who is still actively teaching and approved this scholarship program.
  5. Letter of recommendation from employers about the person of the applicant.

    * All documents written in English or Japanese.
  1. English written test (especially for teachers of Japanese: Japanese language test) on February 16, 2010.
  2. For those who passed the written examination will be summoned for an interview in Jakarta.
  3. For those who pass the interview will be recommended to Monbukagakusho.
  4. Those who pass the selection in the Monbukagakusho scholarship recipients will be.

  1. The registration forms can be obtained at:

    Education Section Embassy of Japan
    Jl. M. H. Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350
    Tel. 021 - 3192 4308 ext. 175 or 176

    Consulate General of Japan Surabaya
    Jl. Sumatra No. 93, Surabaya
    Tel. 031-503 0008

    Consulate General of Japan Medan
    Wisma BII Lt.. 5, Jl. P. Diponegoro No. 18, Medan
    Tel. 061-457 5193

    Consulate General of Japan Denpasar
    Jl. Raya Puputan 170 Renon
    Tel. 0361 - 227 628, 223 193
  2. The registration forms can also be obtained by downloading from the website (website) Embassy of Japan (doc version or pdf version).
  3. Registration form completed along with a companion document is returned at the latest by January 29, 2010 to the address:
    Education Section Embassy of Japan
    Jl. M. H. Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350

For more information, klik here 

Pendaftaran untuk keberangkatan tahun 2009 akan dibuka pada 16 November dan ditutup pada 29 Januari 2010 

Program Penataran Guru (Teacher Training Program) adalah salah satu program beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang (Monbukagakusho) yang dirancang khusus bagi para guru untuk meningkatkan.kualitas pengajaran sesuai dengan bidangnya. Mereka akan diberikan pelatihan dalam cara mengajar, pembuatan rencana belajar-mengajar yang lebih efektif dan menarik minat siswa dan hal-hal lain yang dapat mengingkatkan kualitas dan memapuan para guru. Program ini adalah program non-gelar dan lamanya adalah 1 tahun 6 bulan (termasuk 6 bulan belajar bahasa Jepang) dari Oktober 2010.

  1. Lulusan S-1 atau D-4 dan guru yang mengajar secara aktif di SD, SLTP, SLTA (termasuk sekolah swasta dan SMK). 
  2. Pelamar telah mengajar lebih dari 5 tahun di lembaga pendidikan formal pada tanggal 1 April 2010. Semua bidang ditawarkan kecuali, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa daerah, bahasa Arab, pendidikan agama dan perhotelan.
  3. Usia di bawah 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 April 2010.
  4. Sehat jasmani dan rohani. (bagi pelamar wanita tidak diperbolehkan dalam kondisi hamil)
  5. Bersedia belajar bahasa Jepang karena bahasa pengantar di universitas adalah bahasa Jepang.

  1. Tanpa ikatan dinas.
  2. Tiket kelas ekonomi p.p. Indonesia (Jakarta) - Jepang.
  3. Bebas biaya ujian masuk, biaya kuliah, dan uang pendaftaran.
  4. Tunjangan bulanan sebesar ¥ 170.000 per bulan (ada kemungkinan mengalami perubahan).
  5. Peserta disediakan asrama yang pembayarannya diatur sendiri oleh penerima beasiswa.

  1. Pendaftaran dibuka pada 16 November 2009 dan ditutup pada 29 Januari 2010.
  2. Bagi pelamar, baik pegawai negeri maupun swasta dapat langsung menyerahkan/mengirimkan formulir yang telah diisi ke Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang dengan dilampiri dokumen yang diperlukan.
  3. Bagi pelamar yang berstatus pegawai negeri tetap harus melapor dan menyerahkan fotokopi formulir kepada Biro Kerjasama Luar Negeri (BKLN) Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

(dokumen yang tidak lengkap tidak akan kami terima)
  1. Formulir.
  2. Pasfoto (harus ditempel pada formulir).
  3. Ijasah dan transkrip nilai.
  4. Surat keterangan dari tempat mengajar yang menjelaskan bahwa pelamar adalah staf pengajar yang masih aktif mengajar dan disetujui mengikuti program beasiswa ini.
  5. Surat rekomendasi dari atasan mengenai pribadi pelamar.
    * Semua dokumen ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau Jepang.
  1. Ujian tertulis bahasa Inggris (khusus untuk guru bahasa Jepang: ujian bahasa Jepang) pada tanggal 16 Februari 2010.
  2. Bagi yang lulus ujian tertulis akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti wawancara di Jakarta.
  3. Bagi yang lulus wawancara akan direkomendasikan ke Monbukagakusho.
  4. Mereka yang lolos seleksi di Monbukagakusho akan menjadi penerima beasiswa. 
  1.  Formulir pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di :
    Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang
    Jl. M. H. Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350
    Tel. 021 - 3192 4308 ext. 175 atau 176
    Konsulat Jenderal Jepang Surabaya
    Jl. Sumatera No. 93, Surabaya
    Tel. 031 - 503 0008
    Konsulat Jenderal Jepang Medan
    Wisma BII Lt. 5, Jl. P. Diponegoro No. 18, Medan
    Tel. 061 - 457 5193
    Konsulat Jenderal Jepang Denpasar
    Jl. Raya Puputan 170 Renon
    Telp. 0361 - 227 628, 223 193 
  2. Formulir pendaftaran juga dapat diperoleh dengan melakukan download dari situs (website) Kedutaan Besar Jepang (doc version atau pdf version).
  3. Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi beserta dokumen pelengkap dikembalikan selambat-lambatnya tanggal 29 Januari 2010 ke alamat:

    Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang
    Jl. M. H. Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350

Informasi lebih lanjut, klik disini

The Australian Partnership Scholarships (APS) is an initiative from the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (AIP) and is funded by the Australian government for postgraduate study for Indonesian students in Australian universities.

APS is a different scholarship program to the Australian Development Scholarship program (ADS).

The objective of the scholarship program is to increase the human resource capacity of Indonesia in the areas of Economic Governance, Public Sector Management and Education. The scholarship program is an important component of the on-going development cooperation between Indonesia and Australia. After the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh and North Sumatera, the Australian Government has increased its commitment to supporting development in Indonesia.

The Australian Partnership Scholarships Program funds Indonesians for higher degree (post graduate) study in Australia through a joint selection process overseen by the Government of Australia and the Government of Indonesia and consistent with mutually agreed general policy objectives.

The APS Program is managed through the APS Project Office in Jakarta, to ensure efficient and effective administration of the program.

About the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (AIP)

On the 5th of January 2005, the Prime Minister of Australia announced the availability of one billion Australian dollars to support Indonesia's reconstruction and development efforts, both in and beyond tsunami affected areas. The support focuses on the Indonesian Government's program of reform with an emphasis on economic and social development. This cooperation initiative between the Australian and Indonesian Governments is administered through AusAID via the Australian Partnership for Reconstruction and Development (AIP).

For more information visit


IDP Education Pty Ltd (IDP) is under contract to the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) for the off-shore management of the Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) Program in Indonesia.

The Australian Development Scholarships Program funds Indonesians for higher degree study in Australia through a joint selection process overseen by the Government of Australia and the Government of Indonesia and consistent with mutually agreed general policy objectives.

The off-shore component of the ADS Program is managed by IDP through an IDP established ADS Project Office in Jakarta to ensure efficient end effective administration of the ADS scheme in Indonesia.

Number and length of Awards

The number of ADS awards each year will depend on Australian budget appropriations and is expected to be up to 270 scholarships in 2008/2009.

The scholarships will be allocated as follows:
  • 2/3 (i.e. 180) will be public category awards and 1/3 (i.e. 90) open category awards
  • An equal number of awards will be offered to men and women;
  • Up to 50% of Masters scholarships will be awarded to nominated candidates from agencies involved with AusAID projects or AusAID related activities, including state universities and other key education institutions in AusAID target areas, plus linked NGOs and CSOs;
  • At least 30 percent (81) of awards will be offered to applicants from the Eastern provinces in line with AusAID's Country Program Strategy ? East Java, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua, Maluku, North Maluku and Aceh;
  • 90 percent (243) of awards at Masters level and 10 percent (27) at PhD level; 

The length of the ADS scholarship is for the minimum period needed to complete the award. This is determined by the university.

For details on who should apply, what types of scholarships there are, what you may study and what are the entitlements for awardees under ADS Program, please visit

IDP Education Australia

Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics, and Electrical Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) invites applicants for 6 PhD research fellowship positions. The fellowships are intended for PhD studies and are open to applicants in all areas of research covered by the 6 different Faculty departments:

  • Department of Computer and Information Science
    Professor Guttorm Sindre
  • Department of Engineering Cybernetics
    Professor Tor Arne Johansen
  • Department of Electronics and Telecommunications
    Associate Professor Ragnar Hergum
  • Department of Mathematical Sciences
    Professor Sverre Smalø
  • Department of Electric Power Engineering
    Professor Olav Bjarte Fosso
  • Department of Telematics
    Associate Professor Poul E. Heegaard
The 6 research fellowship positions are awarded on a competitive basis, to help recruit talented candidates for the PhD study programs administered by IME. These programs comprise the following fields of research; communication technology, computer science, cybernetics, electronics, information science, mathematics, power engineering and statistics. Collaboration with researchers from other areas of science and engineering at NTNU, as well as with external partners from industry, research institutes, and other universities (Norway and abroad) is commonplace. Further information on IME and its 6 departments is available at 

The Faculty is keen to attract the best candidates available and puts few restrictions on training background and fields of research (see list above). It is also possible to further multidisciplinary project proposal across department divisions, primarily linked to one of the faculties Special Interest Groups (SIGs):
  • Cryptology
    Professor Stig F. Mjølsnes
  • Multicore programming
    Professor Lasse Natvig
  • Embedded systems
    Associate Professor Sverre Hendseth
  • Wireless communication and networking
    Associate Professor Poul Heegaard
  • Motion Control with geometric modelling methods
    Associate Professor Elena Celledoni
  • Human Computer Interaction and Interaction Design
    Professor Dag Svanæs
Further information about the fellowships can be obtained from the Department links above, or by contacting the faculties Special Interest Groups.

The application must include curriculum vitae with information about the candidate’s prior training, exams, and work experience. Moreover, we request that the candidate contact a relevant research group at IME to define a thesis project. A brief outline of the project, signed by both the applicant and his/her prospective thesis supervisor (faculty member in that research group) should follow the application. The quality of the project proposal will also be considered during the assessment of the application. Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration. Applications are to be submitted electronically through Preferably, we want the attachments in one file.

Applications should be marked IME 055-2009.

Closing date: 2009-12-01.

For more information, please see attachment. vedlegg: Felleskunngjøringen 2009 engelsk.pdf


Kathryn Fuller Postdoctoral Fellowships

Kathryn Fuller Doctoral Fellowships 

Advancing Conservation through Science

For nearly 50 years WWF has committed to delivering science-based conservation results while incorporating the latest research and innovations into our work. As part of its commitment to advancing conservation through science, WWF established the Kathryn Fuller Doctoral Fellowships to support PhD students working on issues of exceptional importance and relevance to conservation in one of the WWF-US priority places.

This year, the Kathryn Fuller Science for Nature Fund will support doctoral research in the following three areas. (Click on links to see suggested research topics.)


As part of their Awards, Fuller Doctoral Fellows receive:
  • either $15,000 or $20,000 allocated over a period of up to 2 years to cover research expenses*
  •  opportunities to link doctoral research to WWF’s global conservation efforts
  • networking opportunities with other Fuller Fellows, WWF scientists, and employees

Fuller Doctoral Fellows receive either $15,000 or $20,000 depending on the location of their research and home university. Fellows with field research based in a WWF-priority place outside the country of their universities are eligible to receive $20,000. Fellows with field research based within the country of their home universities are eligible to receive $15,000. Fuller Fellowships may be used to cover allowable research-related expenses. (See section on eligible and ineligible expenses.)

  • All applicants must be currently enrolled in an academic program leading to a doctoral degree in a conservation-related field and must have completed at least one year of course work. 
  • Applicants must have at least two years of work experience in conservation.
  • Applicants must propose research in one of the three topics listed above that has direct implications for conservation in one of WWF’s priority places. 
  • Individuals who are currently WWF Train Fellows may not receive a Fuller Fellowship. Applicants may apply to both programs simultaneously, if they are eligible for both, but cannot receive both fellowships from WWF. 
  • WWF staff, directors, and their immediate family members are not eligible for Fuller Fellowships. 

Fuller Fellows are selected through a competitive, merit-based process. Eligible candidates must submit a completed application form along with two letters of recommendation and other supporting documents to WWF by the application deadline. An interdisciplinary panel of experts is convened to review applications and to identify top candidates based on the following criteria:
  • Applicant’s ability, accomplishments, and potential to become a leader in their field. 
  • Scientific merit, feasibility, and significance of the research proposal. 
  • Relevance of research to conservation practice in general and WWF’s mission and programs in particular.
  • Preference will be given to individuals proposing research in their country of origin.

For questions or further information, please contact


Welcome to the study abroad home page. This website is designed for students at UH thinking of studying abroad as part of their course, for students at our partner universities in other countries abroad seeking more information about studying abroad at the University of Hertfordshire, and for students from non partner universities who are thinking of a study abroad period in the UK, with Hertfordshire as a potential destination.The University sees study abroad as an important enriching experience, giving a university education ‘added value’ of international experience, which helps both in terms of personal development as well as future job prospects. The University therefore encourages its own students to think about study abroad within their courses, and welcomes students from our partners and other institutions.

Europe Week

Next Europe Week will start:
1 March 2010

In 2009 this yearly event was held between 2 and 6 March. The University hosted 14 lecturers from 12 partner institutions in 10 countries who gave 84 hours of lectures on topics with a European or intercultural focus.

Find out more about Europe Week

Our Global College

To facilitate study abroad, the University has set up a ‘Global College’, which is both a physical and virtual community. The Global College gives exchange students from our partner universities the opportunity to interact socially with UH students on campus and gives current UH students, thinking of studying abroad the opportunity to meet students studying at our partner universities.

However, the Global College is also a virtual community enabling UH students to keep in touch with each other whilst studying abroad, and for students from partner universities to keep in touch with one another when back home. It will also enable study abroad students to keep in touch after graduation as alumni of the University.

The study abroad site has three areas:
Please contact us if you cannot find the information you require. You can reach us by email at


Job description

The concerted research between M2i, TNO and the Holst Centre aims at developing the technology for modular ultra light and ultra thin, flexible, easy-to-wear electronic products such as lighting and signage devices, reusable and disposable sensor devices, deformable solar panels and displays. An important aspect of this program is to gain knowledge about the mechanical behavior, reliability and durability of these flexible devices during production and during actual usage.
The scientific aim of the project is to develop tools that enable to understand and predict the life-time of multilayer laminates taking into account the effect of visco-elastic and/or plastic material behavior during cyclic loading and the environment, in particular relative humidity, on the development of the mechanical damage. The tools to be developed comprise suitable experimental methods to impose a known stress/strain state on a chosen multilayer material and to understand the underlying physical mechanisms. The location is TU Eindhoven.


Candidates for the PhD positions should have a solid background in materials science with substantial interest in experimental work. The candidates should have a Masters degree in materials science, chemical engineering or a related field. Interest in failure analysis and/or microstructural characterization is required and experience is further an advantage.

Conditions of employment

When fulfilling a PhD position at the M2i, the candidate will be given the status of PhD Researcher. He/she will have employee status and will be eligible for all the employee benefits offered by the M2i. The contract is for 4 years. Gross salary for the first year is EUR 2,242 gross per month. This amount increases to EUR 2,587 gross per month in the fourth year. The PhD thesis should be completed at the end of the 4th year term with the M2i. The researcher and the supervisor will draw up a plan for any additional training and supervision that is specifically needed.

Contract type
3 years


Additional information

The short URL code for this job opening is: 1771.
Direct link to this job

The University of Hertfordshire is an ambitious and entrepreneurial University with an international vision, putting students at the heart of what we do. A key aspect of the University’s mission is to prepare students for the global economy and to enhance international and multicultural understanding within the University and beyond.

In support of this mission, the University of Hertfordshire will offer 100 achievement-based partial international scholarships, worth £2,000 each, to international students taking up a place in 2009-10. These scholarships, known as the Chancellor’s International Scholarships, are designed to support our international community and to ensure that the University continues to attract the most talented students from across the world.

All new full-time overseas fee paying international students with an offer of a place on an undergraduate or postgraduate programme for 2009-10 entry will be eligible to apply for the scholarships, which will be payable in the form of a £2,000 reduction against the first year’s tuition fees.

This scholarship is for new students only; students who are already studying on a degree programme at the University cannot apply for this scholarship. The Chancellor’s International Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis to candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and potential and the ability to make a significant ongoing contribution to the university community.

For full details of terms and conditions, award criteria, application guidelines and a downloadable application form, please see the links in the right hand menu. The scholarship application deadline for students joining the University in January 2010 is 27 November 2009.

more information, click this link:


PhD Studentships
Science and Technology Research Institute
University of Hertfordshire

Applications are invited from candidates with good first degrees in computer science, information technology, electronic engineering, physics, biology or other relevant disciplines to join projects as research students for a three year period in the following areas (click on the links for project descriptions):

Successful candidates may be eligible for a research studentship award from the University (equivalent to £13,290 per annum bursary plus the payment of the standard UK student fees).

Research in Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire has been recognized as excellent by the latest Research Assessment Exercise, with 55% of the research submitted being rated as world leading or internationally excellent. The Science and Technology Research Institute provides a very stimulating environment, offering a large number of specialized and interdisciplinary seminars as well as general training opportunities.

Application forms should be returned to Mrs Lorraine Nicholls, Research Student Administrator, STRI, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB, Tel: 01707 286083, l.nicholls @ The short-listing process will begin on 27 November 2009. Interviews will be held in the second week in December.


Beasiswa Studi S3 DIKTI

Diposting oleh Job seeker | 05.12 | | 0 komentar »

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional DIrektorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) menawarkan beasiswa S3 gelombang IV untuk alokasi tahun 2010. Beasiswa ini diperuntukan kepada dosen tetap dan dosen PNS. Beasiswa ini dibuka bagi pelamar yang akan studi ke luar negeri selain ke Amerika. Adapun persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi:
Surat pencalonan dari Dekan ditujukan kepada Rektor
Letter of Acceptance dari perguruan tinggi luar negeri yang terakreditasi
Fotocopy ijasah S1, S2
Bukti kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS), Jerman, Perancis, Jepang, atau bahasa lain yang masih berlaku (tidak lebih dari 2 tahun terakhir)
3 surat rekomendasi
Melampirkan rencana riset
Melampirkan formulir konfirmasi data rencana keberangkatan

Berkas rangkap 2 mohon disampaikan ke Kantor Urusan Internasional UGM paling lambat 30 November 2009

Informasi lebih lengkap, klik disini

Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus (S2, S3, dan Akademisi/Peneliti)

Erasmus Mundus yang merupakan bantuan hibah dari European Commission (EC) sebagai Badan Eksekutif dari European Union (EU), menawarkan beasiswa untuk lebih dari 100 Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC) di berbagai bidanga, di antaranya: Lingkungan, Kesehatan, Pendidikan, Bisnis dan Manajemen, Komunikasi, Informasi, Teknik, Humaniora, Hukum, dll. Mulai tahun 2010, juga menawarkan beasiswa untuk program Doktoral melalui Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJD). Deadline untuk pendaftaran beasiswa tahun 2010 akan segera berakhir. Bergegaslah segera untuk mencari informasi dan mendaftar.

Peluang Beasiswa
Student, Mahasiswa/i S1 (sederajat) Mengambil program Pasca Sarjana (S2) Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC) di Eropa selama 1-2 tahun
Scholar , Akademisi / peneliti Malakukan tugas mengajar, riset, atau kegiatan ilmiah di EMMC, maksimum 3 bulan
Doctoral, Kandidat PhD Mengambil program Doktoral (S3) Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJD) di Eropa

Siapa yang dapat mendaftar:
Warga negara yang berasal dari negara non Uni Eropa
Telah menyelesaikan pendidikan tingkat S1 – sederajat
Tidak terdaftar sebagai penduduk di negara anggota Uni Eropa manapun
Tidak melakukan kegiatan utamanya (kuliah, bekerja, dll) selama lebih dari 12 bulan, selama 5 tahun terakhir di negara anggota Uni Eropa manapun

Keunggulan beasiswa Erasmus Mundus:
Belajar paling sedikit di 2 universitas dan 2 negara anggota Uni Eropa yang berbeda
Ijazah double / multiple / joint degree yang berlaku secara legal di negara tempat ijazah tersebut dikeluarkan
Meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa asing / Eropa – Tidak ada ikatan dinas
Tidak ada tes tertulis/wawancara
Persyaratan pengalaman kerja tidak mutlak (kecuali disebutkan secara eksplisit di website EMMC bersangkutan)

Grant (update untuk tahun 2010):

- Student: EUR 24,000 per student per tahun

- Scholar: EUR 14,800 per scholar per 3 bulan

Cara pendaftaran:

1. Pilih program yang anda minati. Daftar program bisa dilihat melalui link yang ada di website bagian ”Langkah-langkah untuk pendaftaran EM”

2. Setiap EMMC/EMJD memiliki website masing-masing, silahkan kunjungi website mereka untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap tentang deskripsi program, universitas mana saja yang berpartisipasi, tuition fee, deadline pendaftaran, dokumen yang diperlukan, dll.

3. Petunjuk pendaftaran (apakah secara online atau melalui pos) juga tertera jelas di website tersebut.

4. Bila masih ada hal yang dirasa kurang jelas atau perlu ditanyakan, silahkan hubungi contact person untuk program tersebut (alamat email biasanya tersedia di website).


- Setiap applicant hanya diperbolehkan mengajukan aplikasi ke maksimal 3 EMMC/EMJD pada 1 tahun pendaftaran. Bila lebih, maka aplikasinya akan gugur secara otomatis

- Anda tidak perlu menghubungi universitas yang bergabung dalam program tersebut. Contact person anda adalah pihak konsorsium yang menyelenggarakan program tersebut.

Syarat pendaftaran:

- Bervariasi tergantung program (silahkan cek langsung di website).

Deadline pendaftaran:

- Bervariasi tergantung program, namun sekitar November 2009 – Januari 2010 (silahkan cek langsung di website).

Keterangan lebih lanjut: Forum diskusi: dan download brosur Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus di sini

Telp: 021 – 25546200 (Komisi Eropa)

Sumber : CDC UI



Diposting oleh Job seeker | 17.27 | | 0 komentar »


The Erasmus Mundus scholarship programme, funded by the European Commission (EC), has awarded over 7000 scholarships for students and scholars from all over the world since 2004.

Through this scholarship programme, 204 Indonesians have studied Masters Courses and 16 Indonesian Scholars carried out teaching and research in universities across the European Union (EU).

The scholarship for the Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC) is now open for application for academic year 2010.The scholarships are offered to: Graduate students to undertake EMMC in at least two or more universities in two or more EU countries. Scholars/ Academicians/ Researchers to conduct teaching and research periods of three months at two or more universities in two or more EU countries.

The Erasmus Mundus scholarship is a full scholarship programme – covering tuition fees, living costs and return airfares.

General information on application procedures can be obtained from: http://www.delidn. ec.europa. eu/en/special/ erasmusmundus. htm or a blog maintained by Erasmus Mundus Alumni in Indonesia: http://emundus. wordpress. com

Individuals interested in an Erasmus Mundus scholarship must apply directly to the selected Erasmus Mundus Master Courses which are available at: http://eacea. ec.europa. eu/erasmus_ mundus/results_ compendia/ selected_ projects_ action_1_ master_courses_ en.php

The EC also provides fellowships for Doctoral candidates for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate (EMJD) degree. These doctoral-level training and research programmes will offer fellowships covering up to three years of doctoral activities.

The available EMJD and further information can be obtained from: http://eacea. ec.europa. eu/erasmus_ mundus/results_ compendia/ selected_ projects_ action_1_ joint_doctorates _en.php.

The European Union comprises 27 Member States i.e. Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The European Commission is the executive arm of the European Union.

Click here, more information