Welcome to the study abroad home page. This website is designed for students at UH thinking of studying abroad as part of their course, for students at our partner universities in other countries abroad seeking more information about studying abroad at the University of Hertfordshire, and for students from non partner universities who are thinking of a study abroad period in the UK, with Hertfordshire as a potential destination.The University sees study abroad as an important enriching experience, giving a university education ‘added value’ of international experience, which helps both in terms of personal development as well as future job prospects. The University therefore encourages its own students to think about study abroad within their courses, and welcomes students from our partners and other institutions.
Europe Week
Next Europe Week will start:
1 March 2010
In 2009 this yearly event was held between 2 and 6 March. The University hosted 14 lecturers from 12 partner institutions in 10 countries who gave 84 hours of lectures on topics with a European or intercultural focus.
Find out more about Europe Week
Europe Week
Next Europe Week will start:
1 March 2010
In 2009 this yearly event was held between 2 and 6 March. The University hosted 14 lecturers from 12 partner institutions in 10 countries who gave 84 hours of lectures on topics with a European or intercultural focus.
Find out more about Europe Week
Our Global College
To facilitate study abroad, the University has set up a ‘Global College’, which is both a physical and virtual community. The Global College gives exchange students from our partner universities the opportunity to interact socially with UH students on campus and gives current UH students, thinking of studying abroad the opportunity to meet students studying at our partner universities.
However, the Global College is also a virtual community enabling UH students to keep in touch with each other whilst studying abroad, and for students from partner universities to keep in touch with one another when back home. It will also enable study abroad students to keep in touch after graduation as alumni of the University.
The study abroad site has three areas:
- For students at UH thinking of studying abroad as part of your course, then go to Outgoing study abroad.
- For students at a partner university and wishing to study abroad at Hertfordshire, then go to Incoming study abroad for exchange partners.
- For students from non partner institutions thinking about taking a study abroad period at Hertfordshire, then go to Incoming study abroad for other institutions.
Please contact us if you cannot find the information you require. You can reach us by email at studyabroad@herts.ac.uk
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