PhD Studentships
Science and Technology Research Institute
University of Hertfordshire
Applications are invited from candidates with good first degrees in computer science, information technology, electronic engineering, physics, biology or other relevant disciplines to join projects as research students for a three year period in the following areas (click on the links for project descriptions):
Successful candidates may be eligible for a research studentship award from the University (equivalent to £13,290 per annum bursary plus the payment of the standard UK student fees).
Research in Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire has been recognized as excellent by the latest Research Assessment Exercise, with 55% of the research submitted being rated as world leading or internationally excellent. The Science and Technology Research Institute provides a very stimulating environment, offering a large number of specialized and interdisciplinary seminars as well as general training opportunities.
Application forms should be returned to Mrs Lorraine Nicholls, Research Student Administrator, STRI, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB, Tel: 01707 286083, l.nicholls @ The short-listing process will begin on 27 November 2009. Interviews will be held in the second week in December.
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